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Monday, March 29, 2010

About Death

Sometimes we need reminders that we are not forever. Halfway to the end of it all, we question ourselves. Don't lie, little soul, we can smell our own. But, in the reflection of our mortality, we find immortal eyes. Cruel and ruthless irises piercing our beliefs. Be brave to the revelation that nothing is what it seems. Your heart is vulnerable, your face is weathered and weak, all the things you cherish are negotiable to say the least. Death is a blade, never dull, never late, and always a step ahead. Don't even try to prepare. Don't even try to live...just smile pretty as often as possible. Let the world know you were strong.

Struggle no more to force happiness. It will come the moment you stop trying. Do your best to follow your heart, just never sacrifice it for ease. People put prices on their emotions and die emotionless. The people who stand for their beliefs don't die at all. They move on to next level of happiness, away from the cynics and victims of greed, away from those who worship facades and the self righteous views they keep. There is no try anymore. There is only do or do not. Do the things that make you whole. Do the things that make you smile. Do not attempt to please them all. You will fail. You will fall. If you stretch yourself across the satisfaction of others, they will bury you in pieces. Smile. Be selfish. Love. Breathe and die. Accept yourself as mortal. Accept your mistakes. Accept that everyone is capable of being an enemy, even you. But don't accept anything at all as a finality. Nothing is forever.
You will learn one day, my precious one, everything is subject to change. The way we talk, the way we walk, and even the blood in our veins. Everything will change. My suggestion for you is enjoy the forgettable moments and the meaningless hours, for that is all we have. Memories of kisses, scars, and tears, and the rest is faded happenstance. A colorful coincidence, this life. We live for the days that carry us home. We die in the arms of the brutal unknown. And when they find you sprawled across the floor, wearing your dreams on your sleeve, just know you made your mark. You will be remembered no matter what they say, or what the evidence reveals. Some of us go down quietly, others in a ball of flames. But in silence or in fire, we all burn out the same. But, they way we are remembered is how we embrace the flames.

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