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Sunday, March 14, 2010

Every Moment Counts...seriously.

Love is a fire element that burns in the core of your life. Unfortunately, the emotional intensity leaves no room to differentiate the fervor of feelings. If you are in love, you are IN love; if you are angry or sad, you are utterly miserable. Some say if you don't fight or argue with a significant other, you are not in love. I agree.  
But, how do you balance the positive and negative? I don't suggest sacrificing the beauty behind the pain. When moments together take your breath and paint your life in shades of solace, the differences that separate your bond melt away. On the other hand, when you just can't seem to get things right and it feels like the shadows of the world stretch painfully over your heart, questioning the happiness of your memories becomes commonplace.
How do you solidify intangible comfort? How do you tip the scale in the direction of peace and understanding? I do believe one of the best components of love is the unknown. But, sometimes, just maybe, a little foresight into the future wouldn't hurt--assisted sagacity if you will.
I understand that the most beautiful things in life are the most natural of occurences. With that said, it must be natural for me to feel ecstacy one night and pull my hair out the next, because, when you know something is special, you keep it. You learn to cherish the painful moments along with the sweet and cuddly. You recognize the gift of a disagreement and be thankful that it is with someone who spins your world in ways you've never known.
Value EVERY moment, good or bad, for it's the combination of emotions that makes the love true. If things were perfect, and there was nothing to fix or tend to, how could your relationship grow? So the next time you're fighting with your parnter in passion, step back for a moment and trace the curves of their face with your eyes. Remember what makes them unique, what makes them special, and most importantly, what makes them yours.


Unknown said...

Very well said!!

Ms. Branco said...

I agree...there are times that love is underrated---take it and treasure it.....through good and bad...totally true

Kimothy said...

Love this! Some people forget that with the good also comes the bad.