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Friday, March 12, 2010

Oh no, I'm Melting!

I am slowly realizing that the weather doesn't affect my mood. It's raining today, so am I supposed to feel down because the sun isn't out? Sucky weather is just a scapegoat for soggy feelings. Why blame the weather? Plus, the opposite is true as well. Why do people tend to be more pleasant on nicer days? Are they that programmed by their environment?
I do agree that a nice, sunny day looks and physically feels better than a cold, wet one. But, I believe feelings and emotions should be driven by interior sources rather than outside distractions. If your mood is altered by a lack of sunshine, isn't your ability to make decisions altered as well? What if an important choice has to be made? Or a destination has to be reached? Should the weather affect the possible changes in your life? No.
If we lose our instinctual spontaneity as a result of snow, rain, and clouds, we cheat ourselves of pure emotions. What if, for example, you planned to propose--on a certain day at a certain time in a certain location? And you knew it felt right, utterly right. But it started to rain...what happens next? Do you postpone your heart for the weather?
I get it though, no one wants to be proposed to in a hurricane. But, if someone was willing to withstand the hurricane to confess true emotion, could you honestly be angry? I just think people forget sometimes what it is to be human. We have freedoms inside us to do things extraordinary. Never mitigate yourself. I can't stand how people grow older and forget about the times they played in the rain and mud. Now, everybody is so uptight with their rules and procedures and so influenced by who's watching and what they will think. For just a moment of clarity, I think everyone should take at least 2 minutes to dance barefoot in the rain. But, if you're the type of person to say, "I'll get sick." or "I don't have time for that nonsense," I mourn the death of your youth.
Till next time...Down with conformity.


Anonymous said...

Do you want to play in the rain with me when I get out of work (like we used to do when we were little)???

Sean said...

Sure, Charlene. You know I'm up for anything. Now, be one of my followers.